Post timeline: What to expect from TechWeirdo in the coming months.

Post timeline: What to expect from TechWeirdo in the coming months.
TechWeirdo Meme

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First of all, thank you for showing interest and second I will try my best to keep this post updated as much as possible. My goal for this specific post is to give you a rough idea about what posts are coming soon. What has been published and why?

Posts are Coming but after June 2024

I have my big exam coming on June 23. and I should study all the time till then, so expect no post before June 23, 2024. For the past year, I published The SmartGoat Blog and have decided to shut it down for various reasons. That was my first ever blog and I learned a lot about blogging since then. Expect a bunch of posts about blogging in the coming months.

But as I am shutting down the other blog, expect to see some posts being imported from there.

What to Expect

I also learned Wix, WordPress, CloudFlare, CDN, and SelfHosted many other things. So my upcoming post will mostly consist of those topics. The main focus of my topics will be mainly Cloud Free tier, so I will first write a details guide on Google Cloud, Oracle Cloud, Cloudflare, and other services you would need to know. It will not be daily or weekly. But there will be interesting posts. So subscribe to my free newsletter by clicking sign up. Don't worry, I am not going to spam you. And you will receive emails only when there is a new post, a maximum of once a week.

We will probably meet again after 23 June. Until then stay safe. Bye.

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