About TechWeirdo

About TechWeirdo
Photo by Damian Zaleski / Unsplash

Hi, this is The TechWeirdo, and I am Dr. Shounak Pal. It is an independent personal tech blog of mine. The main goal here is to document and share different tech-related things that I do in my idle time, which range from setting up web servers, and websites, building different silly tools, and computers, etc.

I am a doctor and this is a tech blog which may not sound right at first, but this is my nerd heaven. Usually, I spend most of my time fixing humans, but for a few hours a month my inner nerd rises and I break servers and computers.

Okay, enough about weird me. But don’t worry, I am not here to waste your valuable time. I will write detailed blog posts about different topics that will be beneficial to a lot of you. I will try to write mostly unique posts or give you alternatives to popular approaches etc.

And I promise to to you that no post or product placement will ever be influenced by the referral links or commissions. Look my posts will contain referral links (because why not?) but that doesn't mean that that product will be featured higher in position. If it deserves the top position it will get that. If it doesn't then it will not be recommended.

The number of posts will not be huge (I don't have much time to be honest, also testing stuffs personally takes soo much time) and there will not be regular posts i.e. on regular interval. But the posts will always be written by me and only me.

You can contact me here

Enjoy reading The TechWeirdo, and have a nice day.

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